Family Law Services in Hervey Bay

Family Lawyer Hervey Bay, Queensland

Looking for a Family Law Solicitor in Hervey Bay? Family law can be confusing and complicated. Our role as lawyers is to help you understand your legal rights, provide you with options, and empower you to make informed decisions about your future. Each person’s story is unique, but whatever your situation, it is likely that we would have previously helped somebody like you.

We practice in all areas of family law, including:

  • Divorce and separation
  • De facto relationships
  • Property and financial settlements including property transfers
  • Children’s matters – parenting plans and parenting orders
  • Parental and grandparent’s rights
  • Family mediation – children and/or property matters
  • Domestic and family violence and apprehended violence orders
  • Divorce in Australia including preparing and serving divorce papers
  • Spousal maintenance
  • Child support agreements
  • Reviewing and updating your Will and estate plan post-separation

We are experienced in negotiation and mediation and focus on settling disputes in the most amicable, efficient, and affordable way possible. We encourage our clients to explore these options before proceeding to court.

We’re a proud member of

Family Lawyer Hervey Bay Associations our firm is part of
Family Lawyer Hervey Bay Associations our firm is part of

Dividing your property

A property settlement involves the formal division of assets, financial resources, and liabilities between a couple whose relationship has broken down. It legally finalises their financial affairs and enables them to move on with their respective financial lives. If you and your ex-partner agree on a property settlement, you should ensure that the agreement is legally formalised. If you do not, you may leave yourself open to future claims and may not be entitled to certain stamp duty or capital gains tax relief.

You can formalise the division of your property through consent orders or by entering into a financial agreement (also known as a binding financial agreement).

Consent orders are filed with the court and if the court believes they are just and equitable the court will make the orders, which makes them legally binding. It is important to receive legal advice before agreeing to consent orders.

A financial agreement is a written agreement between the parties that must comply with certain formalities to be valid, including the requirement for each party to receive independent legal advice before entering the agreement.

If your matter cannot be settled, you may need to go to court. In working out your entitlements in a property settlement, the court will take the following approach (which is usually also followed when reaching an out-of-court agreement):

  • assess the value of the property pool – taking into consideration real estate, shares, investments, business interests, motor vehicles, furniture, cash, superannuation, etc.
  • consider the financial and non-financial contributions made by the parties (taking particular note of any gifts of money, inheritances or windfalls)
  • assess any adjustments for the parties’ future needs such as the care of children, health problems and/or income disparity
  • determine an overall division that is just and equitable in the circumstances and how to best divide the property pool.

Parenting arrangements

Parenting arrangements can address issues such as where children live, how much time they spend with each parent and other specific issues in relation to education or healthcare. Family law legislation requires that parenting arrangements must be made in the best interests of the child. There is a presumption that shared parental responsibility is best for the child, but this will not always be the case. Shared parental responsibility means that parents are required to consult each other regarding long term decisions for the child and does not necessarily mean that the child will spend equal time with each parent.

Parenting arrangements can be achieved through a parenting plan, consent orders or court proceedings. In most cases, the parties will need to attend Family Dispute Resolution before bringing an application for parenting orders to the Court.

Domestic violence advocacy

To obtain a Protection Order (Domestic Violence Order) in Queensland, the Court must be convinced of three elements: a relevant relationship exists; that domestic violence has occurred; and that an Order is necessary and/or desirable.

Family violence includes actual or threatened assault or sexual assault, stalking, derogatory and intimidating remarks, intentional damage or destruction of property, unreasonable suppression of financial resources or support, and preventing or depriving a family member of his or her cultural connections or freedom.

If you are impacted by domestic violence, we can assist by:

  • Drafting and filing an Application for Protection Order
  • Responding to an Application for Protection Order
  • Negotiating with the other party in an application
  • Representing you in Court at mentions and at Trial
  • Making an urgent Application for Protection Order

Legal Aid and deferred fees

If you are worried about your legal fees, you may be eligible for Legal Aid funding or assistance for certain matters and in specified circumstances. We are Legal Aid providers and can lodge an application for assistance. In some matters Legal Aid may require a small contribution from an applicant, and you will be advised of this at the time Legal Aid is approved.

Alternatively, you may wish to enquire whether a deferred fee arrangement is available in your circumstances and the pros and cons of such arrangements. Deferred fees are fees that are charged, but payment is deferred until the conclusion of your matter. These arrangements may suit family law property matters where the parties might have some assets but no available cash, or one party to the relationship controls all assets to the exclusion of the other.

Learn about your rights in order to make informed decisions and safeguard your future after the separation. Our aim is to expedite and cost-effectively resolve family law disputes through amicable resolutions that occur outside of the courtroom. If litigation is inevitable, our seasoned legal team is prepared to advocate vehemently on your behalf. We guarantee that we will maintain uniformity and clarity in our communication, guaranteeing that you are kept informed about your family law case at all times.

If you need any assistance, contact [email protected] or call 07 4125 4818 for a no-obligation discussion and for expert legal advice.

Family Lawyer Frequently Asked Questions


We offer free initial appointment for up to 30 minutes so that you can get preliminary legal advice of your options and decide if you wish to proceed with appointing us as your lawyers.



Apply for Divorce:

*$800 (plus GST) plus outlays**

*Standard application, not contested.

Already agreed on children and or property with your ex? Then to do the Documents:

Consent Orders – Children OR Property

*$2,450 (plus GST) plus outlays**

*Parties having already agreed on all issues.

Consent orders – Children AND Property

*$2,950 (plus GST) plus outlays **

*Parties having already agreed on all issues.

OUTLAYS & DISBURSEMENTS **plus Outlays and Disbursements which are the expenses that are incurred by us in the course of the matter. Such as filing fees payable to the Court, for service of documents by a Process Server, property title searches, payments made to third parties for documents or services such as Superannuation Statements, Company Searches etc.

PLEASE NOTE: that Transfer of Property incurs extra professional fees.


You may be eligible for Legal Aid assistance for your family law legal fees. We are Legal Aid providers and can lodge your application for assistance to Legal Aid.  In some matters Legal Aid may require a small contribution from clients. This will be made known to you at the time your Legal Aid is approved


(paid at end of matter)

Available- subject to review of your matter (higher rates apply).

Some of the advantages of fixed fees include-

You know up front exactly what your costs will be.

You can make realistic arrangements about how and when to pay your legal bills.

You will pay a fee that equals the value you and your lawyer place on the work to be done, not the time it may take.

Your lawyer has a real incentive to get the work done and achieve results – because that’s how they get paid.

You and your lawyer have the same goals and time frame – getting the matter resolved as quickly as possible.

You won’t get any nasty surprises in the mail at the end of each month telling you how many hours you must pay for.

You won’t be charged for every minute your lawyer spends on the phone or every document that they copy or email.

PLEASE NOTE: The above indication of costs is correct as at December 2023 and are subject to change at any time.

“Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation”


Speak to Claire Riddell,
our Firm's Principal Solicitor,
and Family Law specialist.

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Neil Gartrell

As relatively new residents of Hervey Bay and first time clients, we were most pleased to find that Turner Riddell are everything they claim to be on their web site. Claire and her team are very approachable and also respectful of the client, whilst also presenting as professional and knowledgeable. Claire was very welcoming and patient with us, readily making us feel at ease in communicating our circumstances and requirements. We unreservedly recommend Claire and her team to future clients.

Brooke Carter

I walked into Claire’s office a broken woman, facing separation and property settlement post-DV. I had lost hope of ever being financially back on track. But with her help I am about to by my first home for me and my 3 children. Eternally grateful. She handled all the complicated stuff and I trusted her with making the right decisions for me. 5 stars. Claire has turned my life around.

Caroline Grunwaldt

This process was made really easy and clear for us. From initial appointment to completed documents was super fast and efficient. The team has been very responsive to our questions and highly professional along the way. And we’ve felt very comfortable and fully informed throughout the process. Thanks Claire and Natalie.

Anne Taylor

Visiting Claire Riddell at Turner Riddell Lawyers in Pialba, Hervey Bay was a breath of fresh air. Speaking to a real person is not always possible when a lawyer is on the agenda but Claire was a vibrant friendly person who explained all aspects of my duties whilst making me feel at ease. It does not take much to have a pleasant experience so if you want the same I suggest that you make Claire Riddell at Turner Liddell Lawyers, your next stop when you need legal advice. You will not be disappointed.