Family Law Services in Hervey Bay

Property Division Lawyer Hervey Bay

Feeling overwhelmed by the complexities of property division after separation? Let Your Lawyers Turner Riddell Hervey Bay ease your burden and guide you to a fair and equitable resolution. Our dedicated team is here to lift that burden, ensuring a fair and equitable outcome tailored to your unique situation. 

Our Property Division Lawyer Hervey Bay assists clients in navigating the complex process of dividing assets and liabilities post-separation. This involves negotiating settlements, preparing legal documents, and if necessary, representing clients in court. Our goal is to minimise stress and ensure that our clients achieve the best possible outcome. 

Understanding Property Division in Queensland

In Queensland, property division follows the principle of “just and equitable” distribution. This means that the court considers various factors such as the length of the relationship, financial and non-financial contributions, and future needs of each party. Whether you reach an agreement through negotiation or require court intervention, we will guide you through every step with clarity and expertise. 

Meet Your Hervey Bay Property Division Lawyer

Claire Riddell, our principal lawyer, brings a wealth of experience and a personal touch to every case. With a background in family law, dispute resolution, and estate planning, Claire provides compassionate and professional legal services and excels in making clients feel comfortable and informed, ensuring they understand every aspect of their case. 

How Our Property Division Lawyer Can Help

Our property division services include: 

  • Negotiation and Mediation: We strive to reach amicable settlements through negotiation and mediation, saving you time and stress. 
  • Legal Documentation: Preparation of all necessary legal documents to formalise your settlement. 
  • Court Representation: Skilled representation in court if an agreement cannot be reached outside of it. 

Why Choose Us Over Other Hervey Bay Lawyers?

  • Experience and Expertise: Claire Riddell’s extensive experience and accolades highlight our commitment to excellence. 
  • Client-Centred Approach: We prioritise clear communication and personalised service, ensuring that you feel supported throughout the process. 
  • Local Knowledge: As residents and active members of the Hervey Bay community, we understand the local legal landscape intimately. 

Contact Us for a Free Consultation

We offer a free 30-minute initial consultation to discuss your case and explore your options and are here to help. 

Contact us today to schedule your consultation and take the first step towards securing your future. 

Speak to Claire Riddell, our Firm's Principal Solicitor, and Family Law specialist.
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