Family Law Services in Hervey Bay

Advance Health Directive

Have you ever considered who would make your healthcare decisions if you were unable to express your wishes? An Advance Health Directive empowers you to make these important decisions in advance, ensuring your wishes are respected even when you can’t communicate them. This legal document is essential for anyone who values control over their medical treatment and peace of mind for their loved ones.

Understanding Advance Health Directive

Advance Health Directive is a formal way to give instructions about your future healthcare. This document enables you to detail the medical treatments you wish to receive or avoid and appoint a trusted individual to make decisions on your behalf if you’re unable to do so. It becomes especially significant in situations where you face a serious illness or injury and cannot communicate your wishes. With an Advance Health Directive in place, you ensure that your medical care aligns with your values and beliefs, regardless of the circumstances. 

Meet Your Advance Health Directive Lawyer

Claire Riddell, Principal Lawyer, is a distinguished expert in estate planning and family law. Her extensive experience and compassionate approach make her uniquely qualified to guide you through the process and legal complexities. 
Claire’s dedication extends beyond her legal acumen, she offers a personal and attentive touch in every case. She ensures that your healthcare preferences are not only thoroughly understood but also honoured with the utmost respect. With Claire’s precise attention to detail and steadfast commitment, you can trust that your matter will be meticulously crafted to reflect your wishes with the highest degree of accuracy and care. 

How Can We Help?

Our team is here to provide the following: 

  • Personalised Consultations: We take the time to understand your unique circumstances and health care preferences. 
  • Expert Legal Drafting: We ensure your Advance Health Directive is drafted accurately and in compliance with the law. 
  • Clear Guidance: We explain your options in straightforward terms, helping you make informed decisions about your health care. 

Why Choose Us?

We offer more than just expertise—we provide peace of mind.  

Our team’s commitment to you includes meticulous attention to detail, ensuring that your directives are both legally robust and perfectly aligned with your wishes. With deep local knowledge and a client-focused approach, we stand out for our dedication to supporting you every step of the way.  

Contact Us for a Free Consultation

Don’t leave your healthcare decisions to chance. Contact us today for a free initial consultation and let us guide you through creating an Advance Health Directive tailored to your wishes. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, you can revoke it any time if you are sound. To revoke it, you need to communicate your decision to the relevant parties, such as your healthcare provider and any family members who are aware of the directive. 

It is recommended to review it regularly, especially if there are significant changes in your health, personal circumstances, or medical advancements. Regular reviews ensure that the document remains relevant and accurately reflects your current wishes.

Speak to Claire Riddell, our Firm's Principal Solicitor, and Family Law specialist.
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